Author Spotlight: Trey Little
Author Spotlight: Trey Little
The Harrisburg Mile
The Harrisburg Mile
Explore York
Explore York
Harrisburg July 4th Food Truck Festival
Harrisburg July 4th Food Truck Festival
Children's Miracle Network - Hummingbird Program
Children's Miracle Network - Hummingbird Program
Children's Miracle Network - Hummingbird Campaign
Children's Miracle Network - Hummingbird Campaign
Tex Visions : Pop Up Magnet Setup
Tex Visions : Pop Up Magnet Setup
Author Spotlight: Trey LittleGood Day PA, Author Spotlight
The Harrisburg MileProduced for Good Day PA!
Explore YorkDiscover all there is to see and do in York County.
Harrisburg July 4th Food Truck FestivalEvent details on the July 4th Food Truck Festival.
Children's Miracle Network - Hummingbird ProgramThis video highlights the families that benefit from the sale of the hummingbird ornaments each year. It was a joy to meet these miracle families and help share their story.
Children's Miracle Network - Hummingbird CampaignI produced this short video to promote the sale of hummingbird ornaments to benefit the Children’s Miracle Network.
Tex Visions : Pop Up Magnet SetupThe assembly of Tex Visions "Pop Up Magnet" display wall. Shot, edited, and assembled by me. 
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